Whenever you join ANY organization you have to register. NAPA of Central Missouri is no different. You provide your name and handicap information. You should…
I know I covered it in the last blog but I wanted to make some different points. The Forfeit Savior Rule states that if Team A does not have enough players to play and…
The short answer is a defeaning YES!! With the team handicap limit, in ANY league, the better you get the higher your handicap and your team will not be able to field…
NAPA has decided not to start any new scotch doubles leagues after the ones running now have completed. I think they are looking at the rules as there are some that…
NAPA has, effective today, has changed the way they will be doing Nationals. They said "After the last six years of having national championships one thing has become…
By the rules you cannot add players to your team after the 5th week of play. As usual, there are exceptions. Some would include players moved away or in an accident,…
The Top Shark Tournament is over and now I am asking what we can do to make it better. I think each year it does get better but there is always room for improvement.…