
Should you always try your hardest when playing league?

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Should you always try your hardest when playing league?

NAPA of Central Missouri Billiard League
Published in League Play · Friday 08 Dec 2017
This sometimes happens at the end of the season when teams realize that they will not be in the money.  Then they stop playing like they should.  As a team you could be a spoiler.  As an individual you should try to play to your handicap.  It is a shame that I even have to ask the question.  Of course the answer is YES!!  Emphatically!!  Why?  I should also not have to tell you.  If you do not try your hardest you could be "gaming" the handicap system which is UNACCEPTABLE.  NAPA of Central Missouri has a 68% hill to hill ratio which mean that over 2/3 of the time you play the match goes to the hill.  This is because the handicap system is soooo good.  Besides gaming the handicap system you also hurt your team.  Not playing your best means you lose when you should have won.  Also, don't you want to be competitive?  To get better?  You should always try your best because it makes you grow as a player.  You always know you could have done better.  Also what about personal integrity?  You should be known as a straight shooter instead of a cheater.  Always try your best and it ALWAYS pays off in the long run.  Always put integrity and fair play above winning a match by cheating.  If you cheat you could face being banned by NAPA.  Do you want that?

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